Stevie Nicks
Email Address:
From the webmaster: I received the following email regarding Larry "Byrd Man' Hindman
Sent from Brian Chester brother in law of Larry. Larry passed away in May of 2009 of liver failure. While in California he continued his drumming with several(Cooker( Nancy's Ed.) and a few tribute bands. Nancy graduated from Mahomet High School in 1963 as did I in 1961. In 2005 Larry returned to Champaign for his niece's wedding. Nancy, her Sister and Cooker met at the Holiday Inn and reminisced about old times. If Tommy McCormick is out there give a shout out to me(email or FB) Brian Chester
Note from webmaster: I got this email from Angela Lashley who knew Nancy Deedrick in Nashville:
I'm not famous, nothing cool about Hollywood to say, just this about Nancy. I meet her in Nashville shortly after moving here from Wisconsin to be a songwriter. It was during the worst of the Iraq war. My son had dropped out of college and joined the Army, terrifying me. This inspired me to write the song "So Brave". Nancy was truly taken with the tune. She wanted to write music with me because of it, bless her heart. We spent a bit of time scratching around at it. She wanted to "hook me up" and help my career! One day she presented me with a cassette tape of a demo of a great song written by someone incredibly famous who she knew personally. Blew me away that she knew this guy, AND the she wanted to get me a writing appointment with him. That was IF she could find him. Last she'd heard he was strung out on dope living somewhere in Nashville possibly in a homeless shelter. It never came together despite her many efforts. So kind of her to do that. Nancy tried harder to help my career than anyone I've ever met in this biz. So sad to learn she's gone.
Subject: Buddy Zoloth
From: Spider Murphy
Date: Mon, July 05, 2010 2:52 pm
Hey Slegge, it was great talkin' to ya!......
Attached are the posting on HH could read like this:
I am writing a script about the life & times of Buddy Zoloth ... Does anyone have Buddy stories, Buddy anecdotes, or Buddy owed money to....contact Spider at spoojie2100@yahoo.com
Lordy, Slegge, I so enjoyed talking to you........I'll call ya in a couple of days.....Yer FRinD....Spider
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 11:42 AM
Subject: Canyon of Dreams
How about giving Harvey Kubernik's Book, 'Canyon of Dreams' a plug ? A Fantastic journey in Laurel Cyn. Thanks, Harold
From: N & B Olson
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: Hey Nancy...
Hey Nancy:
Just wanted to say hi and give you the Jumbo web site. Just go to jumbo70.com We've been working on it since Oct. and it's finally done.
Will you put up a message for me or would you rather I do it?
I can't remember how to log in or whatever. We would like to invite everyone to check it out, and we're still looking for more pictures etc. of the band.
Please let me know what to do to help out our site. It will be greatly appreciated.
Peace & Love,
Neil Olson
under The Great Hollywood Hangover listed as a GROUP!!!
Be sure to open this Mod as all get-out flyer, first and foremost!
Next Friday, March 26, 2010, Larry Edmunds Bookshop (on Hollywood Boulevard, since 1938!) will host my "Sunset Strip Slideshow," based on research discoveries made during the creation of my book Riot on Sunset Strip: Rock 'n' Roll's Last Stand in Hollywood. Presentation begins around 7:30 p.m. and should go to about 9.
The interesting thing about this one is that it will display the roots of the mid-'60s Mod scene on Sunset Strip, showing how it came out of Beat Generation coffeehouses, Jazz joints and Folk clubs like The Renaissance, Crescendo and The Unicorn. This grows into what became home for The Byrds, Love, The Doors, Buffalo Springfield, The Mothers of Invention and many more of your favorite Pop Sike Folk Rock Garage bands.
But ah, the colour! Our special guest on this evening will be Charles Lange, owner of the "Belinda" boutique on Sunset Strip, as profiled in the movie Mondo Mod. Charles will impart some of the ideas and fashion sense of the mid-'60s moment, and can answer all your questions about all the good things that went into the making of this time. The guy has great recall and a complete understanding of the whimsy that generated the movement. Here is a quote about "Belinda" from Tracy Thomas of England's New Musical Express, circa 1966: "Avant-Garde girls clothes -- First Hollywood minis." We will show his sequence from Mondo Mod and then, I will moderate a question & answer session with Charles Lange about the Sunset Strip, the '60s and Mod fashion as it hit the West Coast. Man, what a night!
Larry Edmunds Bookshop, 6644 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood 28, California (323) 463-3273 larryedmunds.com
Sunset Strip Slide Show + question and answer session with Charles Lange of "Belinda," Friday, March 26, 7:30 p.m. FREE
From: Dan Pollock
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2010 4:32 AM
Subject: The Ranks Are Thinning
From: "chantal beautiful"everyoneisbeautiful@mac.com
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 11:14 PM
Subject: Way to young to know better
Well, finally a few years late made it to your web site, thank you for having this. I could fall into the category of "List of Sunset Strip People, or Where are they now?" I was the TOO Young girlfriend of Leonard from Shady Lady, for a long time, until I had to get out and discover life. Decades later nothing has changed, still learning and discovering, live part time on an island now, but still a 60's girl in my heart.
From: Rae Brewster
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:09 AM
Subject: Pamela Courson
Hello, there!
I'm not really sure where to start, as I've never done anything like this before, but alot of people have suggested that I write to you, requesting your help.
I am wanting to write a book on Pamela Courson, someone who has fascinated me endlessly for years. She died 14 years before I was born, and so her life, her world in the 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70's is very alien and exotic to me. I am wanting to find people who knew Pamela to interview them, and ask them questions.. I have a few ideas of who to contact, but not many, so I thought that maybe you could have some suggestions, or if you posted in this on your site, people might come forth.
It's been my feeling that Pamela has been endlessly overlooked and misunderstood, and she's received some very unneeded bad press. I'm not looking to sugarcoat her life and her mistakes, but Pam deserves a true account.
I truly appreciate you taking the time to read this. Thanks so much.
Raeanne Bartlett.
From: Sasha Crow
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 4:02 PM
Subject: great site - I was there
...as Lady Jane (maybe some knew me as Jenny) -- arrested in the riots my first time ever in Hollyweird - couldn't stay away then. lived in Laurel Canyon on Gould ....Santa Monica and Western - St Andrew's Arms Apartments (waaay down) and here and there - very temporary. hung out in front of the whiskey but also spent loads of time at the Blue Grotto.(anybody know what happened to Foster? He kept me alive by giving me an open tab) Wondering the whereabouts of "Mick" (yeah looked like Jagger) and "Mouse" (his often side-kick - long fringed and beaded leather jacket) Did a lot of hitching to the Haight and back and finally, late '69 I think, I headed out for good to communes in Joshua Tree and Wheelers Ranch. Had babies and lived in Oregon most of the years since - with stints in the San Juan Islands, Indiana, and New Mexico. Worked in special ed for many years then became a jeweler. Now I've founded a non-profit that assists Iraqi refugees in Jordan and live there most of the year. In fact, heading back to Amman in the morning. I'm definitely book-marking this site - thanks dor doing this!
Sash Crow (aka Jenny) (aka Lady Jane)
"You cannot witness all of these things and do nothing"
[ Dr. Intisar Mohammed - from documentary: Iraq - The Women's Story ]
"What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?" Mohandas K. Gandhi, 'Non-Violence and Peace and War', 1948.
"We don't need spectators to witness our suffering and tell us they feel with us. We need help to put a stop to it."
[Raja Shehadeh - from When The Birds Stopped Singing]
Gary Myers has been sending us some great stories in the spring of 2015. Here are some of them.
Mike Pinera:
I did many gigs with singer/agent Donnie Brooks ("Mission Bell", 1960). One was at his son's high school (Notre Dame High, Sherman Oaks) in1989. The theme of the event was surfing, so it was supposed to be a surf band. It consisted of Pinera & Don Preston (from Geo Harrison's Bangla Desh concert) on gtr, Mitch Margo of the Tokens on kb, Cash McCall on bass and an out-of-place c&w drummer. Donnie had actually called me to rent my sound system. NONE of those guys had a P.A.! I was just getting over a strange health prob which had left me with hardly an energy for about 2 wks. They got a request for "Wipe Out" and the c&w drummer couldn't do it so they called me up to play it. Also on the gig for a few songs as guest star was Chuck Negron of 3 Dog Night.I crossed paths with Pinera again later that yr when Donnie once again called me to play drums on a video for the Surfaris. Several groups were about to do an oldies tour and each was doing a promo vid. We shot the vid on a Sunday aft at high sch auditorium in Glendale. The act shooting after us was Iron Butterfly with Pinera.
Just a tiny item on them. Our band, the Portraits, was signed to Mike Curb's Sidewalk label in 1967-68. Sidewalk was distributed by Tower (the label, not the record store), which was a division of Capitol. The Standells were on Tower and the only time I was ever in the Capitol Records Bldg was when we went in for a meeting with promo mgr Hugh Dallas (re: our 45 of "Over The Rainbow"). The Standells were in the meeting just prior to ours, so they were leaving as we were going in.
Nooney Rickett:
Another tiny item. I was on the road with a show group from '72-'75 and we played several times in San Diego during that period. I had heard of Rickett and I learned that his band was at club not far from us and they had an aft gig there, so I went over to hear them. I stayed only a short time and, for whatever reason, I recall that they played "Linda Lou," a mid-chart hit (by Ray Sharpe) from 1959 during their set.
Brian Hyland:
He & Tommy Boyce came into our gig 1 night, circa '67, when we were backing Ray Peterson. They both came up on stage but Hyland seemed very shy and didn't do much. I saw him on the KRTH Legends of R'n'R show a few decades later and he was much better. :-)
Pat & Lolly Vega:
In fall '71 I sat in with the Allman Bro at the Whiskey (Dickie Betts and I had been in a teen band together in FL in '61). It was a very loose night for them and one of the Vega Bro was also sitting in. I don't remember which, but it was whichever one played B3. Many yrs later I was on a wkend gig with gtr man Tony Bellamy, who had been the lead gtr man for Pat & Lolly.
Troy Walker:
We backed him one night in Aug '77 at the Parrish House in Hawthorne. He was quite an acrobatic-voiced singer who liked to use a lot off-color & toilet humor in his show.
Body Shop:
Strip club in Hollywood. A kb man named Duke Coates was playing there circa 1970. Duke & I talked a bit about trying to put something together. He told me that jazz trumpeter Don Ellis used to come in and sit in on drums. IIIRC, Duke was murdered a few yrs later.
Yellow Payges & E Side Kids:
Both of those bands recorded songs written by Bernard Schwartz, who had previously recorded as Don Atello on Tide Records (same label that I had recorded for in '63-64). Bernie was later in the Comfortable Chair on Ode, produced by 2 members of the Doors.
Minneapolis band that included drummer Jay Epstein, who had previously been with New World Congregation from Winona, MN (release on the Coulee label of La Crosse). The Underbeats moved to CA as Gypsy, opening for many name acts & had LP on Metromedia. Epstein went on work w/many jazz artists.
PJ's was at 8151 Santa Monica Bl, less than a mile from the strip. It was co-owned by Elmer Valentine, who subsequently founded the Whisky a go go. Trini Lopez cut his 1st LP there. PJ's later became Starwood. The Red Velvet later became Soul'd Out, and then Club Lingerie. The Red Velvet address was 6507 Sunset Bl. Gary E. Myers / MusicGem
WEBMASTER Note: I received the following in July of 2015. When I responded to the email to ask permission to post it, my mail was returned as undeliverable. So, I am posting this in hopes that he will see it and give me a good email address, since he has asked to hear from folks.
I'm originally from Laguna Beach, but came up to Hollywood in 1964. I used to stay in an apartment over the top back end of the Whiskey when Jim Morrison had the house band there, and there were two cool, big black guys (can't remember their names anymore) who parked cars and worked for my friend and I believe proprietor of the place, Mario. Mario and I got along pretty well because I'm black, from a black Italian family, and my name is Mario too! (Actually, James Mario St. DeHaven Diluccia). I was there when Gene Autry broke the Champaign bottle as he opened the Continental Hyatt House (In 1964, I think). I hung out at Ginsberg's Restaurant in the hotel, and Dennis Rizzo (assistant manager), and Mr. Griffith (manager) were good friends of mine, and allowed me to keep a room for free on the top floor. I was at the Whiskey, Gazzari's, the Rainbow, The Daisy in Bev. Hills, Dino's, the Playboy Club, and another club called "The Fifth Estate" every weekend from 1965 to 1973. The Fifth Estate closed long before that last date, and so did "The Trip", where I met Tina Turner in 1966. I hung out with Peter West (who now owns Peter West Motors in Santa Monica) and Rodney Bingenheimer. I remember you very well, and I hope you can remember insignificant me. I was surprised to find this site on my PC, and I must say it's a very pleasant surprise, especially since it concerns itself with the happiest part of my life. No place in the world could compare to Hollywood back in those days, and I really feel sorry for they who missed out on this period of time, in this particular place. I remember when Tower Records was first opened, and watched from across the street in a Poolhall called "The Corner Pocket", as Sly Stone drove through the window of the record shop in his new purple Bentley in 1971. I also got done up above the Whiskey by Poppy and Miche' (Plaster Casters). I got bombed there with Hendrix, Leslie west, etc., and the list goes on and on. I'm one of the Laguna Bros. (BEL), and am very lonesome to communicate with someone who's still alive, and was there, and remembers how wonderful the Strip was back in the day. Please get back in touch with me. I'm way over here in Plato's cave right now (Pennsylvania) and need to communicate with someone from my era and place.
Stevie Nicks
Email Address:
When Domenic Priore first captured my attention, I started googling to get as much info about him as I could. He is an encyclopedia of rock and roll history. Man, you can ask him ANYthing, and he will have a detailed and colorful answer. His book, “Riot On Sunset Strip…” is packed with hundreds of photos and thousands of tidbits on our era in Hollywood. I had been impressed with him prior to that, but after the book, I became a major fan. To my amazement, we have now landed him as a blogger on our site. Not sure how that happened…maybe it was Slagge’s good looks and charm, but I am so honored to have him with us. Let’s all give a big wraparound to Domenic! Here is the direct link to his weblog:
Nancy Deedrick
The Great Hollywood Hangover
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Subject: Buddy Zoloth
From: Spider Murphy
Date: Mon, July 05, 2010 2:52 pm
Hey Slegge, it was great talkin' to ya!......
Attached are the posting on HH could read like this:
I am writing a script about the life & times of Buddy Zoloth ... Does anyone have Buddy stories, Buddy anecdotes, or Buddy owed money to....contact Spider at spoojie2100@yahoo.com
Lordy, Slegge, I so enjoyed talking to you........I'll call ya in a couple of days.....Yer FRinD....Spider
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 11:42 AM
Subject: Canyon of Dreams
How about giving Harvey Kubernik's Book, 'Canyon of Dreams' a plug ? A Fantastic journey in Laurel Cyn. Thanks, Harold
From: N & B Olson
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: Hey Nancy...
Hey Nancy:
Just wanted to say hi and give you the Jumbo web site. Just go to jumbo70.com We've been working on it since Oct. and it's finally done.
Will you put up a message for me or would you rather I do it?
I can't remember how to log in or whatever. We would like to invite everyone to check it out, and we're still looking for more pictures etc. of the band.
Please let me know what to do to help out our site. It will be greatly appreciated.
Peace & Love,
Neil Olson
under The Great Hollywood Hangover listed as a GROUP!!!
Be sure to open this Mod as all get-out flyer, first and foremost!
Next Friday, March 26, 2010, Larry Edmunds Bookshop (on Hollywood Boulevard, since 1938!) will host my "Sunset Strip Slideshow," based on research discoveries made during the creation of my book Riot on Sunset Strip: Rock 'n' Roll's Last Stand in Hollywood. Presentation begins around 7:30 p.m. and should go to about 9.
The interesting thing about this one is that it will display the roots of the mid-'60s Mod scene on Sunset Strip, showing how it came out of Beat Generation coffeehouses, Jazz joints and Folk clubs like The Renaissance, Crescendo and The Unicorn. This grows into what became home for The Byrds, Love, The Doors, Buffalo Springfield, The Mothers of Invention and many more of your favorite Pop Sike Folk Rock Garage bands.
But ah, the colour! Our special guest on this evening will be Charles Lange, owner of the "Belinda" boutique on Sunset Strip, as profiled in the movie Mondo Mod. Charles will impart some of the ideas and fashion sense of the mid-'60s moment, and can answer all your questions about all the good things that went into the making of this time. The guy has great recall and a complete understanding of the whimsy that generated the movement. Here is a quote about "Belinda" from Tracy Thomas of England's New Musical Express, circa 1966: "Avant-Garde girls clothes -- First Hollywood minis." We will show his sequence from Mondo Mod and then, I will moderate a question & answer session with Charles Lange about the Sunset Strip, the '60s and Mod fashion as it hit the West Coast. Man, what a night!
Larry Edmunds Bookshop, 6644 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood 28, California (323) 463-3273 larryedmunds.com
Sunset Strip Slide Show + question and answer session with Charles Lange of "Belinda," Friday, March 26, 7:30 p.m. FREE
From: Dan Pollock
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2010 4:32 AM
Subject: The Ranks Are Thinning
From: "chantal beautiful"everyoneisbeautiful@mac.com
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 11:14 PM
Subject: Way to young to know better
Well, finally a few years late made it to your web site, thank you for having this. I could fall into the category of "List of Sunset Strip People, or Where are they now?" I was the TOO Young girlfriend of Leonard from Shady Lady, for a long time, until I had to get out and discover life. Decades later nothing has changed, still learning and discovering, live part time on an island now, but still a 60's girl in my heart.
From: Rae Brewster
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:09 AM
Subject: Pamela Courson
Hello, there!
I'm not really sure where to start, as I've never done anything like this before, but alot of people have suggested that I write to you, requesting your help.
I am wanting to write a book on Pamela Courson, someone who has fascinated me endlessly for years. She died 14 years before I was born, and so her life, her world in the 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70's is very alien and exotic to me. I am wanting to find people who knew Pamela to interview them, and ask them questions.. I have a few ideas of who to contact, but not many, so I thought that maybe you could have some suggestions, or if you posted in this on your site, people might come forth.
It's been my feeling that Pamela has been endlessly overlooked and misunderstood, and she's received some very unneeded bad press. I'm not looking to sugarcoat her life and her mistakes, but Pam deserves a true account.
I truly appreciate you taking the time to read this. Thanks so much.
Raeanne Bartlett.
From: Sasha Crow
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 4:02 PM
Subject: great site - I was there
...as Lady Jane (maybe some knew me as Jenny) -- arrested in the riots my first time ever in Hollyweird - couldn't stay away then. lived in Laurel Canyon on Gould ....Santa Monica and Western - St Andrew's Arms Apartments (waaay down) and here and there - very temporary. hung out in front of the whiskey but also spent loads of time at the Blue Grotto.(anybody know what happened to Foster? He kept me alive by giving me an open tab) Wondering the whereabouts of "Mick" (yeah looked like Jagger) and "Mouse" (his often side-kick - long fringed and beaded leather jacket) Did a lot of hitching to the Haight and back and finally, late '69 I think, I headed out for good to communes in Joshua Tree and Wheelers Ranch. Had babies and lived in Oregon most of the years since - with stints in the San Juan Islands, Indiana, and New Mexico. Worked in special ed for many years then became a jeweler. Now I've founded a non-profit that assists Iraqi refugees in Jordan and live there most of the year. In fact, heading back to Amman in the morning. I'm definitely book-marking this site - thanks dor doing this!
Sash Crow (aka Jenny) (aka Lady Jane)
"You cannot witness all of these things and do nothing"
[ Dr. Intisar Mohammed - from documentary: Iraq - The Women's Story ]
"What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?" Mohandas K. Gandhi, 'Non-Violence and Peace and War', 1948.
"We don't need spectators to witness our suffering and tell us they feel with us. We need help to put a stop to it."
[Raja Shehadeh - from When The Birds Stopped Singing]
Gary Myers has been sending us some great stories in the spring of 2015. Here are some of them.
Mike Pinera:
I did many gigs with singer/agent Donnie Brooks ("Mission Bell", 1960). One was at his son's high school (Notre Dame High, Sherman Oaks) in1989. The theme of the event was surfing, so it was supposed to be a surf band. It consisted of Pinera & Don Preston (from Geo Harrison's Bangla Desh concert) on gtr, Mitch Margo of the Tokens on kb, Cash McCall on bass and an out-of-place c&w drummer. Donnie had actually called me to rent my sound system. NONE of those guys had a P.A.! I was just getting over a strange health prob which had left me with hardly an energy for about 2 wks. They got a request for "Wipe Out" and the c&w drummer couldn't do it so they called me up to play it. Also on the gig for a few songs as guest star was Chuck Negron of 3 Dog Night.I crossed paths with Pinera again later that yr when Donnie once again called me to play drums on a video for the Surfaris. Several groups were about to do an oldies tour and each was doing a promo vid. We shot the vid on a Sunday aft at high sch auditorium in Glendale. The act shooting after us was Iron Butterfly with Pinera.
Just a tiny item on them. Our band, the Portraits, was signed to Mike Curb's Sidewalk label in 1967-68. Sidewalk was distributed by Tower (the label, not the record store), which was a division of Capitol. The Standells were on Tower and the only time I was ever in the Capitol Records Bldg was when we went in for a meeting with promo mgr Hugh Dallas (re: our 45 of "Over The Rainbow"). The Standells were in the meeting just prior to ours, so they were leaving as we were going in.
Nooney Rickett:
Another tiny item. I was on the road with a show group from '72-'75 and we played several times in San Diego during that period. I had heard of Rickett and I learned that his band was at club not far from us and they had an aft gig there, so I went over to hear them. I stayed only a short time and, for whatever reason, I recall that they played "Linda Lou," a mid-chart hit (by Ray Sharpe) from 1959 during their set.
Brian Hyland:
He & Tommy Boyce came into our gig 1 night, circa '67, when we were backing Ray Peterson. They both came up on stage but Hyland seemed very shy and didn't do much. I saw him on the KRTH Legends of R'n'R show a few decades later and he was much better. :-)
Pat & Lolly Vega:
In fall '71 I sat in with the Allman Bro at the Whiskey (Dickie Betts and I had been in a teen band together in FL in '61). It was a very loose night for them and one of the Vega Bro was also sitting in. I don't remember which, but it was whichever one played B3. Many yrs later I was on a wkend gig with gtr man Tony Bellamy, who had been the lead gtr man for Pat & Lolly.
Troy Walker:
We backed him one night in Aug '77 at the Parrish House in Hawthorne. He was quite an acrobatic-voiced singer who liked to use a lot off-color & toilet humor in his show.
Body Shop:
Strip club in Hollywood. A kb man named Duke Coates was playing there circa 1970. Duke & I talked a bit about trying to put something together. He told me that jazz trumpeter Don Ellis used to come in and sit in on drums. IIIRC, Duke was murdered a few yrs later.
Yellow Payges & E Side Kids:
Both of those bands recorded songs written by Bernard Schwartz, who had previously recorded as Don Atello on Tide Records (same label that I had recorded for in '63-64). Bernie was later in the Comfortable Chair on Ode, produced by 2 members of the Doors.
Minneapolis band that included drummer Jay Epstein, who had previously been with New World Congregation from Winona, MN (release on the Coulee label of La Crosse). The Underbeats moved to CA as Gypsy, opening for many name acts & had LP on Metromedia. Epstein went on work w/many jazz artists.
PJ's was at 8151 Santa Monica Bl, less than a mile from the strip. It was co-owned by Elmer Valentine, who subsequently founded the Whisky a go go. Trini Lopez cut his 1st LP there. PJ's later became Starwood. The Red Velvet later became Soul'd Out, and then Club Lingerie. The Red Velvet address was 6507 Sunset Bl. Gary E. Myers / MusicGem
WEBMASTER Note: I received the following in July of 2015. When I responded to the email to ask permission to post it, my mail was returned as undeliverable. So, I am posting this in hopes that he will see it and give me a good email address, since he has asked to hear from folks.
I'm originally from Laguna Beach, but came up to Hollywood in 1964. I used to stay in an apartment over the top back end of the Whiskey when Jim Morrison had the house band there, and there were two cool, big black guys (can't remember their names anymore) who parked cars and worked for my friend and I believe proprietor of the place, Mario. Mario and I got along pretty well because I'm black, from a black Italian family, and my name is Mario too! (Actually, James Mario St. DeHaven Diluccia). I was there when Gene Autry broke the Champaign bottle as he opened the Continental Hyatt House (In 1964, I think). I hung out at Ginsberg's Restaurant in the hotel, and Dennis Rizzo (assistant manager), and Mr. Griffith (manager) were good friends of mine, and allowed me to keep a room for free on the top floor. I was at the Whiskey, Gazzari's, the Rainbow, The Daisy in Bev. Hills, Dino's, the Playboy Club, and another club called "The Fifth Estate" every weekend from 1965 to 1973. The Fifth Estate closed long before that last date, and so did "The Trip", where I met Tina Turner in 1966. I hung out with Peter West (who now owns Peter West Motors in Santa Monica) and Rodney Bingenheimer. I remember you very well, and I hope you can remember insignificant me. I was surprised to find this site on my PC, and I must say it's a very pleasant surprise, especially since it concerns itself with the happiest part of my life. No place in the world could compare to Hollywood back in those days, and I really feel sorry for they who missed out on this period of time, in this particular place. I remember when Tower Records was first opened, and watched from across the street in a Poolhall called "The Corner Pocket", as Sly Stone drove through the window of the record shop in his new purple Bentley in 1971. I also got done up above the Whiskey by Poppy and Miche' (Plaster Casters). I got bombed there with Hendrix, Leslie west, etc., and the list goes on and on. I'm one of the Laguna Bros. (BEL), and am very lonesome to communicate with someone who's still alive, and was there, and remembers how wonderful the Strip was back in the day. Please get back in touch with me. I'm way over here in Plato's cave right now (Pennsylvania) and need to communicate with someone from my era and place.